Eleonorenstraße 18
(Aufgang 2)
30449 Hannover
+49 (0)511 300 545-36
Legal info:
ItYt GbR
Owners and general managers:
Kiriakoula Kremantzouli und
Melanie Rosenauer
Place of business:
Eleonorenstraße 18 (Aufgang 2)
30449 Hannover
+49 (0) 511 300 545-36
Turnover tax ID number (Umsatzsteuer-ID-Nr.):
DE 274837605
Responsible for the content of this web site:
Melanie Rosenauer und
Kiriakoula Kremantzouli
Web site design & code:
Martin Sperling –, Hamburg
Text and translation:
Bettina Soller
Felix Kahlo, Andrea Seifert, Volker Crone, Till Schramm, Kevin Münkel
Liability disclaimer:
ItYt assumes no liability for the content of any linked third-party site. Only the operators are responsible for the content of linked pages. The information displayed on our website is provided without warranty of any kind. Linking to our web site is only allowed after written consent has been given.
Copyright and author’s rights:
All of the images, illustrations, texts and files on this site as well as the web design are subject to copyright law as well as other intellectual property laws.
Contents may not be copied or changed without advance written consent. Contents may only be used for private purposes.
All rights reserved.
Transmission and reproduction of any content is only allowed with the explicit permission by ItYt GbR,
Kiriakoula Kremantzouli and Melanie Rosenauer.