
International Open Access Week

International Open Access Week
International Open Access Week
International Open Access Week
International Open Access Week
International Open Access Week
International Open Access Week

Visual identity
Client: Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology / University Library

The TIB/UB (Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology/ University Library) supports the political call of the sciences for free access to scientific information. It is the aim of the institution to provide free access to all future research results and academic publications and make these results traceable following the ideas of the open access movement.

We designed the accompanying materials for a series of events with talks by renowned experts during the International Open Access Week 2012.
We developed a series of five posters, a brochure as well as electronic banners that announced the events on campus. Big, monochrome, digitally manipulated images were employed in all media formats. Concise quotes from the presenting scientists were juxtaposed with their portraits to immediately introduce the subject open access.