
The White Spot

The White Spot
The White Spot
The White Spot
The White Spot
The White Spot
The White Spot
The White Spot
The White Spot
The White Spot
The White Spot
The White Spot
The White Spot
The White Spot
The White Spot
The White Spot
The White Spot

Client: Ivanka Penjak

How did victims and perpetrators feel about the Stasi and what effects are visible?
Ivanka Penjak has searched for personal answers via her camera. Portraits that show these people in their current daily surroundings. Images that portray an artistic interpretation of the past.
Stasi documents that illustrate this past. In interviews, the photographer explores the motives of the perpetrators and the emotions of the victims in order to reveal how closely political ideology and the conception of individual freedom are connected.

The book was divided into two parts: an extensive picture section that portrays the present and an interview section that focuses on the past.
The captions and quotations on the picture pages were placed in narrow columns so that the photos are given the largest possible space. There is a change between image, white space and text.
The interview part alternates between German and English text columns. The continuous text is supplemented by sprinkled archive material such as passport photos, photos or excerpts from Stasi files.

Solid book cover, covered with Peyer Surbalin Seda, blind embossing on the title, stitching, white capital, 2 different types of paper.
In German and English language.

ISBN: 978-3-945398-96-8